(This post was started a week ago. Then Natalie got sick for a week. Now she is better. I am sick. Booo Germs.)
With that, onto the Natalie-ism...
Recently I was making French toast for Sunday breakfast. Natalie was very excited because as she put it "French Toast? I haven't had that for a long time!" As if our mission in life is to deprive her of tasty breakfast foods.
She asked to immediately get into her booster seat so she could await her special breakfast. After a full twenty seconds passed she looked up from her seat, very concerned, and asked exasperatedly,
"Dada, has my toast been Frenched yet?"
I spent the rest of the day asking Sara if she had been Frenched yet.
She laughed so hard each time I asked, that it was at least noon before I actually succeeded...