Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Important Lessons

Today's Lesson: Throwing back a cold one...

As I mentioned in my most recent blog, Natalie is constantly learning new tricks, many of which result in us having to keep a closer watch over our darling little imp.

Another part of that equation, however, is explicitly trying to teach her important life lessons, even as she continues to spit up on her clothes. Life lessons like, no means no, or the cat doesn't like it when you pull out tufts of his hair, or daddy doesn't like it when you pull out his chest hairs...

My most recent quest was to teach Natalie how to give high-five. Some might scoff and suggest there are many more vital lessons I could be teaching my nine-month old daughter but those people are lame and probably wear sweater-vests.

The high-five is an integral part of American culture. Think about how many times you have given someone a high-five or some variation there-of. It's especially important for anyone involved in athletics and given how strong and squirmy Natalie already is, I am confident she will dominate all other children in every sport she pursues. In fact, I recently took a call from Nike about a sponsorship...they want to put the swoosh on all her diapers...I told them I'd think about it.

Anyway, in a matter of minutes Natalie figured out how to give a high-five and let me tell you it is the cutest high-five ever. A tender little smack followed by a gummy little smile. It's awesome.

Tomorrow we move on to fist-bumping and "giving skin".

It's a new adventure every day.


Kancamagus said...
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Kancamagus said...

FYI, it is documented children can learn to communicate in sign language before they're capable of speaking. Amy enlightened me to this, her majoring in communicative disorders and studying sign language (in place of a foreign language--how cool?!). Check out YouTube for baby talking videos. They can ask for milk or juice, etc. Pretty neat.

And be a man or shave your chest so your little girl can't hurt you, woman!

Kancamagus said...

*Err...I meant "baby signing videos". I'm such a lughead.